Reach us
Administrative Office:
#102, RBR complex, 3rd Block,
Miyapur 'X' Roads,
Phone : 040-23042927,
E- Mail :
info@symetlabs.in ,symetlabs@gmail.com
Factory Address:
168/B, SvCIE,
IDA, Bollaram,
Phone : 08458 279613
Our Products
Quality |
The products are very well tried in all major institutional, Semi-Govt. Institutions entering Govt. sectors also.The day is no longer that Symet's tag fly high in the near future in pharmacy glow. We have been able to
incorporate quality systems as per international standards.
About Us |
SYMET (SYnthetic MEdical Technology) was started with its own unit and infrastructure in the year 1996, who
where in the same field of manufacturing and marketing line for more than 18 years. With all the knowledge and
experience of trading and marketing all these years it has given us confidence.
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